VA Veteran’s Administration Guidelines for a Home Mortgage Loan. If you have read the first part of my website, you now know my heartfelt family experience. And so, I wanted to find a way to help and say thank you. A mission dedicated to assisting veterans in realizing the dream of homeownership. And so I came up with Vet Homes for Vets.
Please click the link at the bottom of page for the VA Guidelines.
And not unlike on the battlefield, in owning a home, I, too, believe no man or woman should be left behind in that dream. You’ve done your part to fight for our freedom, and my heart’s part is battling that home field for you and into a home you so deserve.
However, in talking with many Vets, the first question is, “have you applied for your certificate yet,” and most replies are no. So the most challenging hurdle is an inconvenience; getting started is a hassle, but start you must!
Today’s market conditions are: prices are negotiable and dropping, sellers are willing to do more, and interest rates are higher, but you have no down payment to qualify. So every real estate market has an opportunity to buy; call me to see if today may be the day.
Sincerity Realty is “A Kinder Way Home” to homeownership. With my kind desire, I have teamed up with Paula Reinhold of Kind Lending, whose father, brother, and sister have served and are veterans.
However, serendipitously, we share the word kind and share hearts in helping humankind, and we’ve dedicated and shared our mission to help veterans. So please get started and click on the link below for the guidelines.
Contact me, Mary Ann Cadorna, for Market Conditions and Inventory
Mary Ann Cadorna Broker-Owner
CalDRE 01345274 628-888-9078
Should you need help to get started, call Paula Reinhold
Officer | NMLS #225983
Mobile:(707) 490-7322