The Chinese Zodiac is symbolized by 12 animal signs, where each animal is celebrated and each sign cycles every 12 years. The signs in order are the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog, and Pig. This year is the Chinese Lunar New Year of the RABBIT, and begins on January 22, 2023 and ends February 5, 2023.
A note that if you are born at the end of the lunar new year, for example, sometime up to February 5th of this year, you will fall under the previous Chinese Zodiac Year which would be the year of the Tiger 2022, and repeats that same back tracking for the date that particular lunar year ends.
Similarly, in the western culture there are also 12 Zodiac signs associated with animals that we’re accustomed to, that also ties in our personality traits, luck and compatibilities.
So to, for the Chinese people also believe that their particular zodiac sign designated by year and month of birth closely innates personality traits, compatibility for love, companionship and life, career and health. Which are all intimately related to their animal sign designated by their birth month and birth year.
2023 Year of the Rabbit, it’s said that their sign will experience chance opportunities and many changes, in relationships, projects and profession. At the same time, they will work to achieve peace, and patience.
Rabbit Years: 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011 and 2023.
LUCKY COLORS: Pink, red blue and purple
LUCKY FLOWERS: Snap Dragons and Lilly’s
Mary Ann Cadorna as an equal opportunity broker-owner of Sincerity Realty, I represent all people from all walks of life and most of all I appreciate the many cultures that make up our country. I celebrate the richness and the joy that the Chinese community has always given to America in labor, work, art, food and history. We can celebrate as we integrate with enriched lives by what each culture contributes to our joy and happiness of our living culturally enriched.
Sincerity Realty is happy to celebrate the Year of the Rabbit HOPPING instead of hoping for your business. Now Let’s get you HOPPING into your dream home!
by Mary Ann Cadorna for January 31, 2023
Sincerely yours,
Mary Ann
Mary Ann Cadorna-DRE 01345274
Broker-Owner Sincerity Realty
“A Kinder Way Home!”
707-814-1888 Vallejo
415-810-1888 San Francisco
925-286-1888 Concord